Quick Updates for 2011-05-19
Ready for the Nebula Awards this weekend? Scheduling and signing list are posted here: http://bit.ly/mQ7w63 #
Ready for the Nebula Awards this weekend? Scheduling and signing list are posted here: http://bit.ly/mQ7w63 #
You can read excerpts from Locus's interview with SFWA member @daviddlevine at http://tinyurl.com/45y737b # SFWA member @alcole123 STEN IN HOLLYWOOD: THE NEXT TO THE LAST MISADVENTURE http://tinyurl.com/5wqzfmg #
@LAGilman The rules for posthumous wins would come into play. #
@katrinaarcher They are doing a voter packet this year. # Charles Waverly and the Deadly African Safari by SFWA member Anna D. Allen is now available http://is.gd/YAxmaY #
Congratulations to SFWA member @BrandSanderson on his Whitney Award win for "The Way Of Kings." #
Interview with fashionpunk novelist & SFWA member @jon_armstrong. http://is.gd/nkzOTW # SFWA member @StinaLeicht is signing at Barnes & Noble in the Arboretum Austin tomorrow at 2pm. # @clundoff Welcome back! #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member @DianeWhiteside, author of The Shadow Guard (Kensington, 2011) http://www.dianewhiteside.com/ # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, @NataniaBarron, with a sale to Bull Spec. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Thomas Mays, with a sale to Jim Baen's Universe # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Dave Gross, author […]
SFWA member @eugiefoster sold a short story, "Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo," to Daily Science Fiction. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member James Treadwell, author of Advent (Hodder & Stoughton (UK), 2012) http://www.jamestreadwell.com/ # SFWA member Sunny Moraine (@dynamicsymmetry)'s short "The Thick Night" is now up at Strange Horizons: http://qr.net/bptl # SF […]
The Diversity Tour, founded by SFWA members @malindalo and @cindypon, begins in 7 days. http://youtu.be/i1yonaMTgMs #
@Shirin_Dubbin @jayewells If you look at sub-genres, no category dominates the Nebula awards. UF is part of Fantasy. # @JeannieHolmes @StaciaKane @jayewells Clearly we are using dif. defs of urban fantasy. "American Gods" is UF but not paranormal romance. # @jayewells @JeannieHolmes @StaciaKane Which is what? # @jayewells I didn't see what your big question […]