Quick Updates for 2011-10-17
Many thanks to @capclave who raised over $1000 for the @sfwa Emergency Fund silent auction, raffle, and donations. #capclave #
Many thanks to @capclave who raised over $1000 for the @sfwa Emergency Fund silent auction, raffle, and donations. #capclave #
SFWA member @jenniferbrozek was interviewed for Another Passion. http://t.co/nj9Bz0AS #
Reminder: SFWA NW Reading Series is tonight with authors @cmpriest, @katrchrdsn, and @mark_henry in PDX at 7pm. http://t.co/4M5ZN0sL #
ARMORED edited by @johnjosephadams, with stories by @daviddlevine, @tobiasbuckell, & @karinlow, can be pre-ordered at http://t.co/dXWNQO8b #
SFWA member @eugiefoster's short story, "Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo," was published by Daily Science Fiction. #
Pandora’s Genes, 1985 award-winning novel about a post-oil spill disaster, is featured by e-reads because of new relevance.
From the President@scalzi : A Quick SFWA-Related Thing of Some Importance (to SFWA and SFWAns) http://t.co/HTRRTHa #
SFWA member @eugiefoster's story "The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk" was published in ep. 214 of the Drabblecast Podcast. http://t.co/LQ0v748 #
Net Impact, a new spy thriller from SFWAn Donald J. Bingle, now available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, & trade paperback. http://www.donaldjbingle.com #
SFWA member @ferretthimself's woman-heals-an-insane-father story, "My Father's Wounds," is on Beneath Ceaseless Skies. http://t.co/FD8EQkA # SFWA member @GLValentine's touch-telepath story "Souvenir" is up now @StrangeHorizons tinyurl.com/3dgwqwj #