Quick Updates for 2011-11-10
SFWA member Ian Creasey has published his debut collection "Maps of the Edge": full details at http://t.co/9aVjZMBJ #
SFWA member Ian Creasey has published his debut collection "Maps of the Edge": full details at http://t.co/9aVjZMBJ #
@gregvaneekhout @kyleaisteach @SPrineas Just email office@sfwa.org and ask to have your work posted for consideration. #
@jennreese Did you try the contact form on the site? #
Welcome to new SFWA member @DWGrintalis! #
Further clarification – SFWA business meeting Saturday morning at 8:00 AM is in the Meeting House building – Sunrise room. #WFC2011 # #SFWA meeting now in Meeting House in sunset room. Light breakfast. #WFC2011 # SFWA member @nancykress's original novella of BEGGARS IN SPAIN, winner Hugo & Nebula, available as ebook, Nook & Kindle, from […]
In answer to @mkhobson's question. World Fantasy requires our meetings to be outside of programming hours. #SFWA #
@KenanBrack Excellent goals. #
@Polenth email nac@sfwa.org #
SFWA member @alcole123 has 50% OFF http://t.co/twYZKyhb On Audiobooks http://t.co/WpejXjzH Sten, The Timura Trilogy, The Far Kingdoms Series # Congratulations to SFWA member @faerye who sold her 2nd novelette "Long Night on Redrock" to Asimov's. Teaser here: http://t.co/ybkgmWI6 #
@Louise_Cusack @misterkristoff We haven't started sending them yet, but yes. Secret decoder rings are coming. # @misterkristoff @Lissa_Price Not soon! Not soon. Creating new member packets is more complicated than it looks. # @Lissa_Price @misterkristoff Oh, you don't get those until you've been a member for at least 25 years. #