Quick Updates for 2012-01-06
SFWA member Ferrett Steinmetz's story "A Window, Clear As A Mirror" is now available in audio production at PodCastle. http://t.co/f85ACh2k #
SFWA member Ferrett Steinmetz's story "A Window, Clear As A Mirror" is now available in audio production at PodCastle. http://t.co/f85ACh2k #
SFWA member @alcole123 presents A HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS: Santa's Back In The Hood – http://t.co/W2JpcLcQ #
SFWA member @MFJ72 is interviewed today as part of Amber Sistla's "Writer Wednesday" series: http://t.co/D8xrqslj #
The Assassin's Tear, a collection of short stories from SFWA member Karen Azinger, is now published on Amazon. #
DAW anthology HUMAN FOR A DAY is out w/ stories by SFWAns @eugiefoster, @jay_lake, @jimchines, @daviddlevine, @JodyLynnNye, @LaResnick, etc. # Human for a Day, edited by SFWA member Jennifer Brozek, is on The Big Idea. http://t.co/Fg6HJBLC #
"Beyond Binary: Genderqueer & Sexually Fluid Speculative Fiction" edited by SFWA member @britmandelo. TOC announced: http://t.co/6vJRU8pg #
SFWA member @ferretthimself sold his story “In The Unlikely Event,” his preboarding spaceflight monologue, to Daily Science Fiction. # THE FLAME PRIEST, the second book of The Silk & Steel Saga by Karen Azinger, an SFWA member, is now published on Amazon and Barnes&Noble! #
@geardrops @jaymgates The Nebula rules are here. http://t.co/azW3CE4H # @geardrops @jaymgates Maybe a link on the front page that says "Nebula Awards: How to Vote and Rules?" # @geardrops @jaymgates The link sadly, is already there. Look in the menu under "Nebula Awards." It's the top item. #
SFWA members including @daviddlevine are included in The Drabblecast podcast's 10-episode "highlight reel." drabblecast.org/new/ # SFWA member @eugiefoster's short story "Black Swan, White Swan" was published by PodCastle. http://t.co/LoepCyza #
SFWA Members Paul Cook,Ed Greenwood, Robert Lowell Russell, and Eric James Stone have stories appearing in Digital SF's "Heir Apparent" #