Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category
Quick Updates for 2012-01-30
SFWA Member @DWGrintalis is thrilled to announce the sale of her debut novel, Ink, to Don D'Auria at Samhain Horror. #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-27
SFWA member @eugiefoster sold a short story reprint "Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo" to podcast Journey Into. # SFWA member @jimchines shows his writing income; required reading for people interested in the economic side of things. #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-24
@CecilyWhite @SaraMegibow We host the SFWA Nebula Awards weekend, which is a small professional conference. #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-21
SFWA member @eugiefoster's short story "Biba Jibun" was published by Pseudopod. #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-19
SFWA member Tony Pi's "Remains of the Witch" is the cover story for IGMS #26 #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-17
SFWA member Jennifer Brozek is an auctioned critiquer for Worldbuilders charity drive. Blog: Auction: # SFWA member @stephaniedraven announces the release of her latest Greek myth-inspired PNR, The Fever & The Fury: # Goodreads and Tor are giving away five copies of SFWA member @matociquala's forthcoming novel RANGE OF GHOSTS: #
Quick Updates for 2012-01-06
SFWA member Ferrett Steinmetz's story "A Window, Clear As A Mirror" is now available in audio production at PodCastle. #
Quick Updates for 2011-12-27
SFWA member @alcole123 presents A HOLLYWOOD CHRISTMAS: Santa's Back In The Hood – #
Quick Updates for 2011-12-22
SFWA member @MFJ72 is interviewed today as part of Amber Sistla's "Writer Wednesday" series: #