Quick Updates for 2012-06-13
Science cruise with SFWA members @RobertJSawyer and @DavidBrin1! This December, sailing from Miami: http://t.co/X24SXW5P #
Science cruise with SFWA members @RobertJSawyer and @DavidBrin1! This December, sailing from Miami: http://t.co/X24SXW5P #
Help a SFWA member with research? RT @dianarowland: Hivemind: Anyone here ever had a bad shoulder dislocation? Need some first-hand info. #
SFWA member @daviddlevine recently made his 50th SF/Fantasy story sale http://t.co/JpuTh0n5 #
SFWA member @eugiefoster sold her short story "Whatever Skin You Wear" to anthology SOLARIS RISING 2. #
“Simply put, it is the end of an era. Ray was more than just an author, more than just a Grand Master. He was one of the pillars of our community.” ~John Scalzi, SFWA President
A good roundtable discussion on writing about race in Science Fiction and Fantasy. http://t.co/ajLKhCOS #
Reminder: The SFWA business meeting is at 11:00 in the Conference Theater. We have food and news. #Nebs2012 # Reminder: Follow hashtag #nebs2012 as sanctioned by The @scalzi, to follow the Nebulas. #
RT @scalzi: By the power vested in me as SFWA president, the hashtag for the Nebula Awards Weekend this year is #Nebs2012 #
SFWA member, Karen Azinger, is thrilled to announce the publication of The Skeleton King, the third book in The Silk & Steel Saga. #
SFWA member Adam Christopher is pleased to announce the sale of his novel SHADOW'S CALL to @torbooks! http://t.co/g42KKeUQ #