Archive for the ‘Excluded Categories’ Category

Quick Updates for 2012-08-07

SFWA member Carrie Cuinn's “Mrs. Henderson’s Cemetery Dance” now free to read online at… CarrieCuinn # SFWA Member Mike Allen's CLOCKWORK PHOENIX Kickstarter has 3 days left Offering book pre-orders & chasing 1 last goal. # A better link for Carrie Cuin's “Mrs. Henderson’s Cemetery Dance” #

Quick Updates for 2012-08-06

@RickNovy I generally don't monitor the feed or my inbox on Sundays. in reply to RickNovy # @RickNovy notification of your tweet hit my inbox about two hours ago. # @RickNovy It looks like you tweeted about two days ago, looking at my stream. Again–I don't monitor stream or box on the weekend # @RickNovy […]

Quick Updates for 2012-08-03

And SFWA member @LAGilman also will be at @BmoreBookFest ! # New stories by SFWA member Jamie Lackey from Kazka Press & in Triangulation: Morning After. … # Active member Rosemary Jones will be speaking at SpoCon #

Forged in Fire

Sarah Jane Beauhall, the blacksmith turned dragon slayer, must unravel the web she finds closing around her as a powerful necromancer and a crazed blood cult work to tear apart everything she holds dear.

Quick Updates for 2012-07-17

Portland SFWA reading TONIGHT (7/16), with Daniel H. Wilson, Isaac Marion, and Rhiannon Held # SFWA member Edward Willett's two-act SF comedy Circle the Crops will be produced in Weyburn, Sask., next summer for the city's centennial. #