Quick Updates for 2012-09-17
SFWA's site was briefly compromised today. It was fixed quickly, but Google hasn't rescanned the site yet, so a malware alert still appears. #
SFWA's site was briefly compromised today. It was fixed quickly, but Google hasn't rescanned the site yet, so a malware alert still appears. #
Samantha Henderson's short story "Everything You Were Looking For" has been published in Bourbon Penn http://t.co/L08CfHx6 #
Susan Urbanek Linville sold "Nyabinghi's Sacred Drum," to Triangulation: Morning After Anthology # SFWA member Beth Cato's short story "Cartographer's Ink" is available to read at Daily Science Fiction. http://t.co/8IaPAN4f #
Want to talk to Gray Rinehart? Find him at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area from 10-12! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Alethea Kontes & Nancy Holder? Find them at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area at 12! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Alethea Kontes? Find her […]
Stop by Booth 309-311 to get your books signed by Carole Nelson Douglas from 11:00-12:00! #dragoncon # Stop by Booth 309-311 to get your books signed by Philippa Ballantine and Tee Morris from 12:00-1:00! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Elaine Isaak? Find her at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area from […]
Want to talk to Eugene Meyers? Find him at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area at 1! #dragoncon # Stop by Booth 309-311 to get your books signed by Rob Reid and Nancy Holder from 1:00-2:00! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Eugene Meyers and Alexandra Hughes? Find them at the SFWA […]
SFWA Member @keffy's story "Five Bullets on the Banks of the Sadji" is now live at Podcastle: http://t.co/bVII3A7m # Join @sfwa and @SFWAauthors at the #SFWA reception & autograph session Saturday @ 6pm. #2012BBF @BmoreBookFest # Want to talk to Lucienne Diver? Find her at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area at […]
SFWA members! Are you at Dragon*Con? Come by the SFWA table by the Comics Alley with your promotional stuff if you want it on the table! #
A brand new “author’s cut” Kindle edition of the 1999 Locus Award winning novel.
SFWA member Wendy S. Delmater announces an editorial opening. http://t.co/Bc9oNt4c #