Archive for the ‘In Memoriam’ Category

In Memoriam: Dr. Anthony R. Lewis

Dr. Anthony R. Lewis (08 February 1941–11 February 2025) was a fan writer, anthologist, and convention organizer, deeply involved in the formation of the World Science Fiction Society (WSFS), and an active member of several professional organizations, including SFWA. Dr. Lewis’s writing on genre was nominated twice for a Hugo Award. A founder of the […]

In Memoriam: Howard Andrew Jones

Howard Andrew Jones (19 July 1968–16 January 2025) was a beloved sword-and-sorcery editor, reader, scholar, and writer, known for works such as the Ring-Sworn trilogy and the Chronicles of Hanuvar series. In 2016, the Black Gate: Adventures in Fantasy Literature website won a World Fantasy Award, which the winner, John O’Neill, attributes almost entirely to […]

In Memoriam: George Zebrowski

George Zebrowski (28 December 1945–20 December 2024) was a prolific writer and anthologist. He edited three Nebula anthologies and headed SFWA’s committee that oversaw the selection of editors for Nebula Awards anthologies from 1983-95. His collection of Bulletins and Forums now makes up the majority of SFWA’s archives at Northern Illinois University. He was editor […]

In Memoriam: Barry N. Malzberg

Barry N. Malzberg (24 July 1939–19 December 2024), also writing as Mel Johnson, K.M. O’Donnell, Nathan Herbert, Mike Barry, Claudine Dumas, Lee W. Mason, and Gerrold Watkins, was a prolific and varied writer, anthologist, columnist, critic, satirist, and editor. Malzberg served as SFWA’s Eastern Regional Director from 1980 to 1984. After originally working toward careers […]

In Memoriam: T. Jackson King

Thomas Jackson King, Jr., (24 May 1948–3 December 2024) was an archeologist, an activist, a prolific writer of science-fiction, horror, and urban fantasy, and an award-winning journalist. He wrote articles for The SFWA Bulletin and SFWA Handbook, and served as the SFWA Election Committee Chair.  King was a well-traveled archeologist who started his writing career […]

In Memoriam: Travis Heermann

Travis Heermann (22 October 1969 – 26 April 2024), also writing as T. James Logan,  was a prolific and award-winning author, ghostwriter, poet, screenwriter, filmmaker, producer, editor, and publisher. In addition to a lifetime of creative accomplishments, Heermann was a beloved volunteer for the SFWA Publications team. In prose, Heermann wrote novels, such as The […]

In Memoriam: Steve Miller

Steven Richard Miller (31 July 1950 – 20 February 2024), was a science fiction fan and prolific writer who built wide, rich worlds, and complex generations of memorable characters through the Liaden Universe science fiction books, co-written with his wife Sharon Lee Miller, with whom he won a joint Skylark Award for contributions to science […]

In Memoriam: Howard Waldrop

Howard Waldrop (15 September 1946 – 14 January 2024), was a prolific short fiction author known for revealing tragic consequences through a voice of humor and for stand-alone alternate histories based on a desired setting rather than on a turning point of note. His short stories were published from 1972 to 2023, and his tragic […]

In Memoriam: David Drake

David Drake (24 September 1945 – 10 December 2023) was a military veteran and science fiction and fantasy author. He was the author of over 80 books over the course of 40 years, including the Hammer’s Slammers, Lord of the Isles, and Republic of Cinnabar Navy series. Drake spent his life in North Carolina, after […]

In Memoriam: Jim Hosek

Dr. James Hosek (13 October 1964 – 03 December 2023) known to many in the community as Jim, was a writer of veterinary mystery and philosophical humor. Especially proud of his role as Nebula Award Commissioner, his own story “Total Loss” was published in Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine. He wrote the Dr. At […]