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WotF Awards

On Sunday, April 12, 2015 at 6:30PM, the 31st Annual L. Ron Hubbard Presets Writers & Illustrators of the Future Contests Awards Event will be held at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre.

Get Some Humble Bundle Goodness!

SFWA is pleased and honored to be one of the beneficiaries of the latest Humble Bundle ebook offering. Said SFWA president Steven Gould, “We are grateful for Humble Bundle’s continued support. I am quite excited, in particular, to see two of my favorite novels reissued, Roger Zelazny’s Damnation Alley and Octavia Butler’s Parable of the Sower.

In Memoriam: Peggy Rae Sapienza

SFWA Volunteer Peggy Rae Sapienza (1944-2015) died on March 22, about a month after undergoing heart surgery.  Sapienza proofread the SFWA Bulletin for several years and also helped out with coordinating the New York Reception since 2008.  In 2009, she helped run the Nebula Awards Weekend in Los Angeles and she co-chaired the 2010 Weekend in Cocoa […]

Where’s the Line? On Personal Sharing in Blog Posts and Online

by Amy Sundberg

When giving advice on writing blog posts, James Altucher says, “Bleed in the first line.” He talks about blog writing and bleeding a fair amount, actually, so I always think about bleeding when I write blog posts now. But what does that mean, bleeding on the page, and what is the correct way to do it?