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New Storybundle Collection!

At Storybundle.com, you the reader name your price—whatever you feel the books are worth. You may designate a portion of the proceeds to go to a charity. For the Story Collection Storybundle, that’s Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.

Nebula Awards Autographing Event

In or near Chicago? Got any plans on May 13th around 8PM? An exciting reminder! As part of our SFWA Nebula Conference, there will be a free and open to the public mass autographing event sponsored by Tor Books! This event will feature many authors and professionals like SFWA’s newest Grand Master, C.J. Cherryh, our […]

Guest Post: Set Powerful Deadlines

by Leo Babauta

I’m not always a fan of deadlines and goals, but it’s good to be able to use whatever works best for you. If you’re working great without deadlines and goals, then by all means, keep going. But if you’re struggling to push a project forward (or a learning project like language lessons), then you might try a self-imposed deadline.

Contracts Committee Alert: Non-compete and Option Clauses

The SFWA Contracts Committee believes there are serious problems for writers with the non-compete and option clauses in many science fiction and fantasy publishers’ contracts. The non-compete language in these contracts often overreaches and limits authors’ career options in unacceptable ways.