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Writing While Parenting

by P.G. Galalis Here’s a ten-step guide to writing while parenting: 1. Make some coffee or tea. Head to your special writing place. Close the door and boot up your computer, put a fresh ribbon in the typewriter, or select the perfect pen and creamy paper for your current work in progress. Summon the muse. […]

On Keeping a List of All the Books I’ve Ever Read

by Dan Brotzel

I have a list of all the books I’ve ever read.

Well, not ever. But since 1993 at least.

It began with a red spiral-bound exercise book. At first, I didn’t just write the names and authors at first. I had pretensions of becoming a literary journalist and was ambitious enough at the time to think I would write a review of every book I wrote.

Waking up to Productivity: Robin Sharma’s “The 5 AM Club”

by Deborah Walker

A few months ago, I began to hear great things about Robin Sharma’s bestselling, new book, “The 5 AM Club.” Sharma is a productivity guru whose work is ’embraced by rock stars, royalty, billionaires and many celebrity CEOs’. When I heard the glowing testimonies from more ordinary folk (albeit productivity types), I was quick to order a copy from my library.