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Announcement: Moving the new site to sfwa.org on Saturday

On Saturday, August 1st, the website team will bring SFWA’s new website out of the extended beta-test we’ve been in. This post is intended to be an overview of what to expect during the transition. Because there is a lot of information to convey, we will be sending SFWA members four emails between now and Tuesday, August 4th, as different parts of the new system come online.

Emerging Writer Awards

This week I’ve gotten several questions aWriter Bewarebout something called the Emerging Writer Awards. Writers of poetry, short stories, and unpublished book length fiction may enter to compete for two grand prizes: $2,000 and a possible publishing contract from Triom Publishing for book manuscripts, $1,000 for short subjects. Both prizes include “national promotion through Emerging Writer Magazine.” The deadline for entries is August 31, 2009.

Get Personal with your Marketing Efforts

The words “online marketing” are fairly generic, since there are quite a few components involved with this business practice. Marketers (like myself) often utilize web analytics, social media, blogging, natural and paid search, online advertising, etc. For authors, online marketing may be a little more targeted to our writing and publishing efforts via social media and blogging platforms.