Quick Updates for 2009-10-02
Welcome to SFWA’s newest Affliate member, Jennifer Brozek. She is a submissions editor for Apex.
Nalo Hopkinson has a scholarship for the mentorships she is offering.
Welcome to SFWA’s newest Affliate member, Jennifer Brozek. She is a submissions editor for Apex.
Nalo Hopkinson has a scholarship for the mentorships she is offering.
Agent Janet Reid has a list of questions to ask a prospective agent. SFWA’s newest Active member, Marie-Claude Bourque. Cory Doctorow Talks About the Future of the Novel. Fiction by SFWA member Kij Johnson. Happy Book Release day to Gail Carriger. Alethea Kontis sold a short story to Shroud Publishing. Laura Anne Gilman sold audio rights to Flesh and Fire to Tantor Audiobooks. Blog Talk Radio interviewed Brandon Sanderson….
Imagine you’re a new writer. You’ve just completed your first manuscript, and are on fire to get it published. You don’t know a lot about the publishing world, or how to identify a good publisher for your book–but that’s okay. You have the Internet. So you open a search engine–Google, let’s say–and type “publishers” into […]
Leslie What, SFWA member, has been nominated for an Oregon Book Award for her story collection, Crazy Love! The Oregon Book Awards are presented annually for the finest accomplishments by Oregon writers who work in genres of poetry, fiction, literary nonfiction, drama and young readers literature. All finalists are promoted in libraries and bookstores across […]
If this were a case of a single plagiarized story, it would not be news.
A few days ago Shock Totem received a story called “Baboulas” by an author calling himself Richard Ridyard. John Boden, Assistant Editor of Shock Totem, read the story and immediately cried foul.
“This is plagiarism,” he said. “This is Stephen King’s ‘The Boogeyman’ from his Night Shift collection. Even the title is the same!” ‘Baboulas’ is the Greek word for ‘Boogeyman.’
Welcome new members, Sales, Videos of Google Book Settlement, Writers Digest seeks authors, and Nominate for Carl Brandon Awards.
Mary Hunter Schaub
(June 28, 1943 – September 25, 2009)
Last week, the U.S. Justice Department’s anti-trust division urged the court to reject the Google Book Search Settlement, citing “concerns of the United States regarding class action, copyright and antitrust law.” (The full text of the DOJ’s brief can be seen here.) However, it urged the parties to continue discussion, since “a properly structured settlement agreement in this case offers the potential for important societal benefits, [and] the United States does not want the opportunity or momentum to be lost.”
The Sunburst Award Committee is pleased to announce that the winner of its 2009 adult award is The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson and the winner of its 2009 young adult award is Little Brother by SFWA member Cory Doctorow.
You’ve probably heard about the importance of developing a writer’s platform. Before you start thinking about your writer’s platform, consider what your overall online reputation is first.