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Quick Updates for 2009-10-23

Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Gregory Norman Bossert, whose story "The Union of Soil and Sky" will be… http://bit.ly/EoZbS # @JohnPicacio YAY! Congratulations! I know what calendar I'm getting for 2011. in reply to JohnPicacio # RT @jenniferbrozek: I was interviewed by Science Fiction and Other Oddysseys – http://bit.ly/1VNA6o # RT @nkjemisin: Cover letters […]

Author Mills and a Request for Contact

Unlike commercial or trade publishers, whose business model is based on book volume (selling as many books as possible from a limited number of authors), author mills’ business model is based on author volume (selling a limited number of books from as many authors as possible). The most famous example of an author mill is PublishAmerica, but there are others, such as VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller, an academic author mill.