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Nearing midnight on Monday, November 23rd, super fan Brian C. of Portland, Oregon armored up for the imminent release of Plague Zone, the third title in Jeff Carlson’s internationally acclaimed sci fi thriller series. “Cam Najarro is my personal Harry Potter,” said Brian C., referring to the hero in the Plague novels. Why did Mr. C arrive at […]

Norilana Books presents Mansfield Park and Mummies

Norilana Books is proud to present Mansfield Park and Mummies: Monster Mayhem, Matrimony, Ancient Curses, True Love, and Other Dire Delights by Jane Austen and Vera Nazarian, a hilarious “comedy of monsters and manners.” This stylish and clever parody of the Austen classic Manfield Park, comes complete with “scholarly” Footnotes that harangue the reader, amazing […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-25

RT @sfscope: SFWA receives authors, editors, and others at Planet Hollywood: http://tinyurl.com/ydcdxlx lots of photos # RT @victoriastrauss: From PW, interesting article on small-press bookselling at genre conventions http://tinyurl.com/yzu7tzl # Here's an interview with @jchutchins by @DanPatterson of ABC News Radio. http://bit.ly/6p76mc # Research Tool: Wartime aerial photography archive online –Web User http://bit.ly/6SKjqy (via @ResearchBuzz) […]

Quick Updates for 2009-11-24

@Ginger_Clark Aroo? um… Planet Hollywood staff? Did you get a photo? in reply to Ginger_Clark # Hey there, happy party goers. If you took photos at the SFWA reception, post them in our flickr group. http://3.ly/tcL # @montsamu Fascinating. Ravens to writing desks is a good comparison there. Not sure I can respond in 140 […]