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MWA delists Harlequin and all its imprints

The Board of Mystery Writers of America voted unanimously on Wednesday to remove Harlequin and all of its imprints from their list of Approved Publishers, effective immediately. Harlequin remains in violation of their rules regarding the relationship between a traditional publisher and its various for-pay services.

Transracial Writing for the Sincere

If you want to go beyond the level of just assigning different skin tones and heritages to random characters, you’re going to have to do some research. Because yes, all people are the same, but they’re also quite different. For now, we’ll set aside the argument that race is an artificial construct, and concentrate on how someone outside a minority group can gain enough knowledge of the group’s common traits to realistically represent one of its members.

Useful link: Ergociser — stretches for writers

One of the most common pieces of advice for new writers is “Keep your seat in the chair.” The downside is that it becomes all too easy to sit at the desk for hours without moving. This can lead to stiffness and circulation issues even with an ergonomically correct desk and chair. Ergocise.com is a program which pops up a reminder to stretch at pre-set intervals.