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You Can Take It With You

Interstellar space travel. We dream about it. We write about it. Science fiction writers have come up with all manners of interstellar travel, ranging from multigenerational arks, to wormhole generating warp drives that can spit you across the galaxy in a blink of an eye. As wondrous and amazing as all these approaches may be, most suffer from a very fundamental problem.

BookViewCafe.com Welcomes Chris Dolley

On Saturday, December 5, BookViewCafe.com conquers Europe as science fiction author and memoirist, Chris Dolley, joins the team. Originally from the UK, but now living in France, Dolley has had two SF novels (Resonance and Shift) published by Baen. Currently he is working on a true crime memoir based on his own experience of having […]

Hugo Awards Administrator discusses amended rules

Vincent Docherty, WSFS Division Head for the 2010 Worldcon, Aussiecon 4, and Administrator for the Hugo Awards discusses the amended Hugo rules. Specifically, he answers the question “Will blogs and websites be eligible in the Best Fanzine and Best Semiprozine categories if they meet the general criteria of either category?”

Quick Updates for 2009-12-08

@rosefox @nnedi The short name is a handy thing. in reply to rosefox # RT @victoriastrauss: The Atlantic will sell short fiction on the Kindle http://tinyurl.com/yal468g # RT @Pyr_Books: Huge Acquisitions Round Up: News about 14 novels acquired for Pyr: http://bit.ly/7Km3HI # RT @victoriastrauss: Lessons for 2day? How publishing survived the Great Depression http://tinyurl.com/yz9xsfr (via […]