Quick Updates for 2010-01-25
Industry News!
Industry News!
The winners of the 2009 Aurealis Awards, honoring works of SF, fantasy, and horror by Australians, have been announced. Congratulations in particular, to SFWA members Ian McHugh, Jonathan Strahan, and Cat Sparks.
Norilana Books is proud to present a Kindle Edition of: Mansfield Park and Mummies: Monster Mayhem, Matrimony, Ancient Curses, True Love, and Other Dire Delights by Jane Austen and Vera Nazarianhttp://www.amazon.com/dp/B00359FEUYA hilarious “comedy of monsters and manners!”This stylish and clever parody of the Austen classic Manfield Park, comes complete with “scholarly” Footnotes that harangue the […]
(National)-Book View Café, a digital publishing cooperative for professional authors, today announced it has partnered with Smashwords to distribute Book View’s growing ebook catalog, including titles by from such well known authors as Ursula K. LeGuin, Vonda N. McIntyre, Sarah Smith, Seanan McGuire and Laura Anne Gilman. “Smashwords is taking a truly dynamic approach to […]
RT @theskypirate: SFWA GRAND MASTER ROBERT SILVERBERG TALKS PULPS – http://francesca.net/silverberg.html # SFWA member @jchutchins is speaking and signing at Miami indie store Books & Books tonight. http://bit.ly/748k0I # SFWA member @naominovik is offering a Tuckerization for the Help Haiti Heal webcast auction happening today. http://bit.ly/7irMPB #
The Authors Guild is offering telephone seminars next week to help authors and agents who have questions about the Google Book Settlement. Remember the deadline to make a decision is January 28th.
@lizargall Let me know if you have any questions about the discussion panel. in reply to lizargall # Author Solutions CEO addresses RWA, MWA, SFWA in video. Wants to Discuss Choice and "Opportunity" http://bit.ly/4XmCt9 # Mr. Weiss's statement would start stronger if he got our name right. SFWA = Science fiction and Fantasy Writers of […]
Writers: Another Google Book Settlement deadline is fast approaching. Per the amended Settlement agreement, January 28, 2010 is the last date you can opt out of the Settlement, or opt back in if you previously opted out and have since changed your mind.
On Jan 20, the American Society of Journalists and Authors (ASJA) , the National Writers Union (NWU), Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA) and the Internet Society’s New York Chapter (ISOC-NY) jointly sponsored a workshop to discuss the implications for writers of the proposed Google Books Settlement (GBS). This is an audio of that panel.
Registration is now open for SFWA’s online Google Book Settlement panel. The panel begins at 11EST. http://is.gd/6JW6q # RT @OBAlliance: Has GBS 2.0 Remedied Department of Justice Objections? http://bit.ly/5fEsTz #gbs #digitization # RT @doctorow: Happy tenth birthday, @boingboing! http://tinyurl.com/yaa2qzr # SFWA’s online Google Book Settlement panel has begun. http://is.gd/6JW6q # @tamarasheehan Let us know we […]