Robert T. Jeschonek
Robert Jeschonek’s YA fantasy, My Favorite Band Does Not Exist, is coming soon from Clarion. Visit him at
Robert Jeschonek’s YA fantasy, My Favorite Band Does Not Exist, is coming soon from Clarion. Visit him at
D. Harlan Wilson is an award-winning novelist, short story writer, literary critic, screenwriter, and English prof.
Lawrence C. Connolly is the author of The Veins Cycle series. His most recent book Voices was nominated for the Bram Stoker Award. More at
Hugo and Nebula award winning SF author, host of San Francisco’s SFinSF reading series.
@JStevenYork Which site is that? We linked to several different ones? in reply to JStevenYork # @JStevenYork Thank you. in reply to JStevenYork # @JStevenYork It wasn't about choosing sides. It was about having broken links on our site. in reply to JStevenYork #
William Tenn
SFWA member Joan Marie Verba's young adult SF novel, Action Alert, is a Mom’s Choice Awards® Silver Recipient. # What are panels that mid-career writers wish someone would teach? # @ianthealy Someone who has made sales and no longer thinks of themselves as a rank newbie. in reply to ianthealy # @kenyonsherrilyn Awesome, yes. Those […]
Industry new and member news for Kalayna-Nicole Price, William Moore, Kasey Mackenzie, Douglas Hulick, Lia Habel, and N.K. Jemisin!
The New York Times is reporting that Amazon and Macmillan have come to an agreement, the details of which have not been made public. Amazon is reportedly in the process of restoring the “buy now” buttons to Macmillan books although not all titles have been restored yet.
SFWA Active and Associate members, there are only 10 days left to nominate for the Nebula Awards. Why not spend the weekend reading some of the 260 free pieces of eligible fiction available in the members’ only Discussion Forum.