Quick Updates for 2010-05-25
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Russell Davis, Keffy, Jessica Reisman, Kathryn Lance, Ferrett Steinmetz, Harry Connolly, and Kiki Hamilton!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Russell Davis, Keffy, Jessica Reisman, Kathryn Lance, Ferrett Steinmetz, Harry Connolly, and Kiki Hamilton!
SFWA Secretary @MaryRobinette will be "at" http://coyotecon.com today at 8pm EDT to answer questions about SFWA. # Got SFWA questions? Current VP Michael Capobianco + incoming officers @scalzi & @MaryRobinette will be at http://coyotecon.com at 8 EDT. #
George Ewing
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware You may have read a recent article in PW called “Self-Published Titles Topped 764,000 in 2009 as Traditional Output Dipped,” about the amazing growth in “non-traditional” (a.k.a. print-on-demand-produced) books. Or you may just have read about it, given how many tweets and blog mentions it received. If the […]
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Robinson Wells, Meghan McCarron, Erin Kellison, Carrie Harris, Eugie Foster, Norman Spinrad, Malcolm Edwards, and N.K. Jemisin!
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member @ekellison (Erin Kellison), author of Shadow Bound from Dorchester. http://www.erinkellison.com/ # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Carrie Harris, author of BAD TASTE IN BOYS from Random House. She is our 100th new member in 2010. # If you need a break from writing, check out this 1950 "premake" […]
FTL Publications is pleased to announce that as a result of its special Virtual Online ReLaunch Party for Countdown to Action by Joan Marie Verba, this title reached the Top 100 on the Amazon.com Bestseller list on May 19, 2010, in the Movie Tie-In Category. Countdown to Action is an award-winning young adult science fiction […]
The Big Picture has photos of prep and liftoff of the space shuttle Atlantis. http://is.gd/chM8y # RT @megmccarron: Delany on Racism and Science Fiction: http://is.gd/chMMB # RT @Maudelynn: New Computer Algorithm that can recognize sarcasm. http://tinyurl.com/22ob7l5 #
In celebration of Book View Press’ upcoming release of The Shadow Conspiracy Volume II (SCII), Book View Café is holding a steampunk photo contest. The winning photo will be used on the cover of SC II which is scheduled for publication in December of this year. Prizes for the winning entry will include a copy […]
The special SF issue of WLT (1st SF for this literary magazine) is available plus much exclusive web content: http://is.gd/cg8a5 # Right now @Nasa is a streaming a talk by @Astro_Jeff about the 6 MONTHS he spent at the ISS. http://is.gd/cgehI # We have a member there who is offering to ask a question. No […]