Quick Updates for 2010-06-27
SFWA member @mckitterick announces that his my first novel, TRANSCENDENCE, will be published in 2010 by Hadley Rille Books. #
SFWA member @mckitterick announces that his my first novel, TRANSCENDENCE, will be published in 2010 by Hadley Rille Books. #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member Jason Andrew with a sale to Shine: An Anthology of Optimistic SF (Solaris). http://is.gd/d3zJK # The Locus Awards will be broadcast live http://is.gd/d4gTL begining at 2pm PDT Saturday, June 26. #
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Jennifer Pelland, Robert Jeschonek, Greg Bossert, J.L. Anderson, David D. Levine, and Rowena Cory Lindquist!
SFWA member @gregbossert's novelette "Slow Boat" is in the August 2010 issue of Asimov's Science Fiction, in stores starting June 22. # SFWA member @dianapfrancis will be chatting and interviewing at Bitten By Books today, 6/23: http://bit.ly/c4ar2p # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member, J.L. Anderson, a comic book artist and writer. http://www.anaria.net/ #
"The Love Quest of Smidgen the Snack Cake," a podcast by SFWA member Robert Jeschonek (@TheFictioneer) is now available on Escape Pod. #
A fascinating discussion began today on Twitter (as of this writing, it’s still going on–check it out under the #agentpay hashtag), kicked off by agent Colleen Lindsay, who asked, “How would publishing change if agenting moved from commission-based payment to billable hours?”
Congratulations to SFWA member @jenniferpelland whose first novel has been bought by Apex. #
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Beth Revis, Vonda N. McIntyre, Matthew Kressel, and Colleen Gleason!
Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Matthew Kressel. http://www.matthewkressel.net/ Read his story @clarkesworld http://is.gd/cSS30 #
@bethrevis It's to make sure markets aren't slipping out of pro-practices. in reply to bethrevis # @bethrevis Also, $$ is a quantifiable thing. Quality of writing is not. So, the $$ amount allows us to confirm that it's a pro sale. in reply to bethrevis # @bethrevis Also, welcome to SFWA! # Welcome to SFWA's […]