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A moment of appreciation for Paul Melko

As Scalzi has already said, Russell and Michael have been phenomenal and highly visible. Paul Melko has been quiet, efficient and always there when I needed him. He’s put in three years as the South Central regional director in addition to time with Griefcom and maintaining his own writing career. His voice on the board […]

A Moment of Appreciation for Russell and Michael

My dear fellow SFWAns: As of 12:00 this morning, I became the President of SFWA, thanks to those of you who voted for me in the last election. Also newly joining me on the board are Bob Howe as Secretary, Lee Martindale as South/Central Regional Director and Sean Williams as Overseas Director. Mary Robinette Kowal […]

Quick Updates for 2010-07-01

RT @rdaviswriter: One day left as SFWA President & an honor to serve in this role & work with this Board. Thanks, everyone! # Congratulations to SFWA member @YasmineGalenorn who had a new release come out yesterday: Night Myst. # Pester SFWA member @NicolePeeler at Bitten by Books! you could win a Kindle. http://bit.ly/9OKjjC # […]

Quick Updates for 2010-06-30

Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Jason Andrew, Christopher McKitterick, Cory Doctorow, Alyx Dellamonica, Charles de Lint, Kevin David Anderson, Larry Ferrill, Alan J. Porter, Hilary Goldstein, and Brennan Harvey!