Quick Updates for 2010-08-14
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Jennifer Brozek, K.M._Ruiz, and Anne Harris!
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Jennifer Brozek, K.M._Ruiz, and Anne Harris!
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware
A few of life’s inevitabilities:
Writers’ quest to find a way around the submission process.
There’s nothing you can do about death. Taxes are pretty non-negotiable as well, unless you’…
Sometimes, no matter your best efforts, you’ll find yourself stuck in a rut, bored with your work and yourself. At such times, here are a few techniques that may nudge or jolt you out of that mood.
Morning SFWA members: What news do you have for us today? # SFWA member @jenniferbrozek talks about contracts for the RPG world & offers to answer questions. http://bit.ly/cVMHh1 #rpg #freelancer # SFWA member @KateMilford will appear at the Brooklyn Book Festival on Sun, 9/12. # @KateMilford We live to serve. in reply to KateMilford # […]
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Wendy Wagner, Wendy S. Delmater, Michelle Marquardt, Kevin David Anderson, Charlene Teglia, and Paolo Bacigalupi!
For those no-pants days when you need help finding information and Google/Wikipedia isn’t cutting it, you’ll want to know about these 5 free resources to help you with research.
SFWA member and sci-fi novelist Ed Lerner interviews @stacey_cochran today: http://tinyurl.com/2doonu6 Week 7 of the CLAWS 2 Blog Tour! #
Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member, Wendy Wagner with a sale to @johnjosephadams' Way of the Wizard. http://winniewoohoo.com/ # From SFWA member @safewrite: Abyss & Apex now reviews small press SF/F books. Publishers are encouraged to inquire: abyssandapex@gmail.com #
Resources, Industry News, and Member News for Steven Gould!
More than two thousand years ago, the strategist Sun Tzu wrote that the warrior skilled in indirect warfare is as inexhaustible as Heaven and Earth, as unending as rivers and streams, and passes away only to return like the four seasons.