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Quick Updates for 2010-09-22

SFWA members: Please take a moment to fill out this short survey about possible Healthcare through SFWA. http://is.gd/flyrb # @Redcrest We very much want to and hope this survey will help us determine if we can. in reply to Redcrest # @JL_Anderson It still may take awhile, but we are hopeful. in reply to JL_Anderson […]

Quick Updates for 2010-09-21

Hello SFWA members: Do you want to start the week out with any news? # SFWA member @brentweeks has a signing at Borders in Bakersfield, California this Saturday at noon. # RT @pattyjansen: SFF writers, if you use market search sites like @duotrope or ralan, please shove them a few spare $$ today. Please RT […]

Writer and Parent? Tips for Finding Your New Balance

My daughter Athena was born in 1998, and once my wife completed her six-week maternity leave, I was and still am the stay-at-home parent, caring for our daughter Athena during the day. Along the way I’ve also managed to write a dozen books and literally thousands of articles and entries for magazines, newspapers, blogs and online sites. How have I managed to juggle kid-watching duties with writing work?

Quick Updates for 2010-09-18

Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Erin M. Evans author of THE GOD CATCHER (WotC, 2010) http://slushlush.com/ # @SaraMegibow Hi Sara, I don't show you on our member list. Email me? vp(at)sfwa.org in reply to SaraMegibow # FYI @SaraMegibow, a literary agent with http://www.nelsonagency.com (which is a SFWA member) is actively looking for sf/f submissions. […]

Quick Updates for 2010-09-16

Resources, Industry News, and Member News for David Macinnis Gill, Geoffrey A. Landis, Gerald D. Nordley, Bruce Cordell, Thea Harrison, Eugie Foster, Jennifer Brozek, Samantha Henderson, Mary Robinette Kowal, Caroline Spector, and Marjorie Liu!