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Guest Post–A Writer’s Guide to Social Media

People once learned from one another what was worth knowing and doing, and the best of these memes worked their way through the population like a unending game of telephone. It was only with the advent of mass communication technology like printing, radio, and TV that a select few became able to easily influence great numbers of people. But with social media those select few are now finding themselves increasingly drowned out.

Quick Updates for 2010-11-12

The Cleopatra literary contest seeks to foster aspiring young women writers. Sponsored by SFWA member @stephaniedraven http://3.ly/X6xA # Congratulations to SFWA member @jimchines who signed a 2-book deal with DAW. http://is.gd/gX0K5 # @chasingray Congratulations! That's fantastic news. # Congratulations to SFWA member @AletheaKontis who sold her debut novel SUNDAY to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. http://3.ly/v5mF #

Sunburst Awards Seek Videos

Organizers of The Sunburst Awards, Canada’s only juried award for speculative fiction, are seeking short videos–or photographs with text–to promote awareness, as the group transitions from a privately funded venture to a non-profit. The goal is to raise the profile of Canadian Fiction. Not Canadian? Sunburst would love to hear from you too. To see […]

Quick Updates for 2010-11-10

SFWA member @paulskemp is Guest of Honor at UCon in Ann Arbor, MI this weekend (Nov 13-14). He says, "Attend or suffer a terrible curse!" # SFWA Mourns Longtime Member, Volunteer Glenn Lewis Gillette http://is.gd/gSkT6 # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member Sarah Frost with a sale to Analog. # Congratulations to SFWA member @jamietr […]

Quick Updates for 2010-11-09

SFWA member @mattkressel reports that the KGB Raffle was a success. Thanks for your generous support! http://bit.ly/cyed7I # Congratulation to SFWA member @seananmcguire, whose novel FEED is one of PW's Best Books of 2010! # SFWA member Chris McKitterick (@mckitterick) had a blast at launch of his debut novel TRANSCENDENCE: http://is.gd/gQxT9 # SFWA member @jimchines […]

Open Competition: Design the 2011 Hugo Award Base

Renovation is delighted to announce an open competition for the design of the 2011 Hugo Award base. The Convention is soliciting artists and designers from around the world to come up with a base that is worthy of the Hugo Award and which reflects the convention’s theme of the New Frontiers and/or the region of Reno, Nevada and the North-Western United States.