SFWA Announces New Ombudsman
Longtime SFWA member Cynthia Felice was appointed to the position of ombudsman by John Scalzi, president of SFWA, on Monday, Nov. 29, 2010.
Longtime SFWA member Cynthia Felice was appointed to the position of ombudsman by John Scalzi, president of SFWA, on Monday, Nov. 29, 2010.
Member News for Catherynne Valente, Cecilia tan, Seanan McGuire, Thea Harrison, Paul Cornell, Amanda Downum, Genevieve Valentine, and Jennifer Brozek
The Consumer Watchdog Conference will be webcast live–starting at 8:30 a.m. ET (5:30 a.m. PT) Wednesday. At 1:30, Michael Capobianco will participate on a panel discussing the internet’s impact on creative arts.
To kick off the gift-giving season, here’s a list of Top Ten Gifts for Fantasy or Science Fiction Writers.
Member News for Lilith Saintcrow, Marjorie M. Liu, Jon Armstrong, and N. K. Jemisin.
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware
One of many reasons I enjoy Twitter is that it’s relatively free of the spam that clogs other modes of online discourse. Oh, there’s the occasional author Twitspam (writers: Twitspamming is not, I repeat, N…
Resources and Member News for Ferrett Steinmetz, David Levine, Carrie Vaughn, Michael Cassutt, Lou Antonelli, Eugie Foster, Hilari Bell, Anna Elliott, Eilis O’Neal, Jamie Todd Rubin, and Cherie Priest.
My book has been pirated and shared already. I can’t stop that, and the methods necessary to create a pirate-free environment would transform the internet into something ugly and forbidding.
@Leannarenee So glad you could come! # @Jess_Wade Likewise, delighted to see you. # @lindsayribar I felt your pain this morning. # @papertyger My apologies. # SFWA member @ferretthimself has a new story "As Below, So Above," is up at http://bit.ly/cxGoc3. # Happy release day to WILD CARDS I with new stories from SFWA members […]
@DelReySpectra Oh no! We tried to get invites out to all the publishers. # @rosefox @CherylMorgan It's always been open door. Also invitations were supposed to have gone out. Will check on what happened. # Guest Post–Just Breathe: Rejuvenating Your Imagination http://3.ly/st97 # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Eilis O'Neal (@EilisONeal), author of The […]