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Blogger JM contacted one hundred literary agents with the following question: What is the single biggest mistake writers make when querying you? More than 50 responded. Here are the problems mentioned most frequently:
Blogger JM contacted one hundred literary age…

Quick Updates for 2010-12-14

After talks with publisher, SFWA has placed Dorchester Publishing on probation from 12/10/10 – 12/10/11. Details: http://is.gd/iGIrv # Welcome to SFWA's newest associate member Sigrid Ellis (@sigridellis) Read her qualifying story "No Return Address." http://is.gd/iGZcX # SFWA member Tony Pi's story "The Gold Silkworm", is up at Fantasy Magazine. http://is.gd/iHcaj # @kirabug Science Fiction and […]

Guest Post: Fairy Tales Reimagined

Even as picture books based on folk and fairy tales are on the wane, the world of children’s books is seeing a rise in fairy tale retellings for middle grade and young adult readers. In fact, this corner of the fantasy market seems to be experiencing a golden age, to the delight of die-hard fairy tale fans like me.

Quick Updates for 2010-12-12

SFWA member @Keffy's story "Advertising at the End of the World" is this week's Escape Pod episode. http://bit.ly/heFWnw # Welcome to SFWA's newest Active member Rhiannon Held, author of SILVER (Tor, 2012) # Odyssey Writing Workshop Announces Its 16th Summer Session http://bit.ly/eOHa82 # SFWA member @Norilana offers a "Hilarious parody NORTHANGER ABBEY AND DRAGONS by […]