Quick Updates for 2011-01-18
SFWA members, don't forget to nominate for the Nebulas. Nominations close on February 15. http://is.gd/V1t3jC #
SFWA members, don't forget to nominate for the Nebulas. Nominations close on February 15. http://is.gd/V1t3jC #
I’m behind the eight ball with this post, because home renovation insanity has kept me more or less offline for the past few days. Many other bloggers have beaten me to the punch with commentary on this contest, so there’s already quite a bit of information out there.
I have also heard some use “piracy” as a low-price argument. My two cents: Pricing your products at a lower price because you think they’re going to be stolen is not a business model. Why? Because you are defining your sales goals on either making more than nothing or generating revenue to cover losses you have not experienced.
Sympathy starts when we see someone in trouble. That’s not the only thing that’s required. Some people who are in terrible trouble only evoke pity or even antipathy. So there’s more to this than trouble, but trouble is where sympathy starts. So what kind of trouble are we talking about?
Writing is a rewarding and fun gig, but finding the time to write can be a challenge. The only commodity an author has are her words, and the only way to produce that commodity is to get some quality butt-in-chair action. Contrary to urban legend, stories don’t write themselves or grow on Novel Trees. So how do you find the time to make the magic happen?
Resources and Member News for Paolo Bacigalupi, Laurie Mann, Patty Jansen, Jenny Moss, Eugie Foster, Lou Antonelli, and Vonda N. McIntyre.
"Sympathy for Salieri" – SFWA member Lou Antonelli interviewed by author Tracy Morris: http://is.gd/kBvbc # SFWA member @vondanmcintyre's novelette "Little Faces" is a Book View Cafe ebook – http://is.gd/Gu2pP0 #
I’ve never been inclined to play the “what genre is it?” game or to take part in the oftentimes bloodier “that’s not such-and-such genre!” debates. Genre lines are so arbitrary and, in many regards, subjective. Like, to me, horror is more contemporary in setting, mood, and character than dark fantasy, but at the same time, urban fantasies are essentially defined by their modern settings, and they tend to be quite dark, yet I don’t consider them horror.
Received in email this morning via Google Alerts: this press release from an outfit called 3L Publishing, announcing publication of a book called Vanity Circus: A Smart Girl’s Guide to Avoid Publishing Crap.
Congratulations to SFWA member @paolobacigalupi whose YA novel SHIP BREAKER just won the Printz Award. http://is.gd/kvfd6 # Welcome to SFWA's newest Affiliate member, Laurie Mann, Worldcon Program Liaison for Renovation – World Science Fiction Convention 2011. # Welcome to SFWA's newest Associate member @pattyjansen. Read one of her qualifying stories at Grantville Gazette. http://is.gd/kvvgl # […]