Quick Updates for 2011-02-03
Member News for Madeleine Robins and Jennifer Brozek.
Member News for Madeleine Robins and Jennifer Brozek.
Since Morris’s time, many fantasy writers have created fictional worlds using history as their foundations. Each writer has had to decide just how much history to use. I mean, and this is where it gets fascinating, where does one stop?
Member News for Yasmine Galenorn and Jana Oliver.
Many of you may already be familiar with the names in the title of this post. If you’re not, have a look at this Alert on the Writer Beware website, and at my September 2009 post about the Florida Attorney General’s civil lawsuit against Fletcher, his companies, and some of his business associates for deceptive business practices.
@harrymarkov No. Stories sales do need to be English language, but it doesn't matter where one lives. # @df_dixie Should interested authors ping you via twitter or is there a better way? # PSA: Today's the deadline to buy a Worldcon membership if you want to nominate for this year's awards: http://94s2.sl.pt # SFWA member […]
As we prepare to make our recommendations for the Nebula Awards ballot, SFWAns everywhere are no doubt pondering that annual question, “should I toss my hat into the ring for SFWA office?” Yes, it’s time once again to prepare for SFWA’s annual elections. John Scalzi has asked that I continue in my role as your […]
In my last two posts I discussed the fact that readers are not going to hope and fear for a character unless that character raises their sympathy and sense of deservingness. But is that enough? Do readers stick around if the characters are utterly boring?
Member News for Eugie Foster, Tobias Buckell, Eric James Stone, David Levine, and Allan Cole.
@byharryconnolly Email me your rss feed and I'll add you. vp@sfwa.org # SFWA member @tobiasbuckell with an interesting perspective on piracy as it relates to authors. http://is.gd/7mYR2s # @LisaShapter Congratulations and good luck with your submissions. # SFWA member @EricJamesStone's story "Rejiggering the Thingamajig" is at Escape Pod: http://ejs.me/rejig #
@haroldfeld Yes, it's called the Ray Bradbury Award for Outstanding Dramatic Presentation. #