Book Fair Bewares
Throughout the year, book fairs draw crowds of publishers, agents, and industry professionals of all kinds to promote their products, take stock of the competition, and make rights and other business deals.
Throughout the year, book fairs draw crowds of publishers, agents, and industry professionals of all kinds to promote their products, take stock of the competition, and make rights and other business deals.
I believe in probability, which most of us refer to as luck, mostly because that word is easier to say than “outlier” or “likelihood as n approaches infinity.”
Hear SFWA member @daviddlevine in a panel discussion on YA science fiction in this month's Salon Futura podcast # SFWA member@vondanmcintyre's first novel, The Exile Waiting, debuts at Book View Cafe. #
Our destination is Labadie Mansion, a derelict house that neither of us have ever seen, and the site of numerous accounts of ghostly activity. According to “sources,” the house is hidden by trees, with no visible road going to or from the grounds.
This list is not comprehensive, but includes SFWA Circulating Book Plan Depositories, and libraries with relatively large SF/F collections.
You and your work are important. Science fiction and fantasy literature permeates our culture. The mission of libraries, archives, and museums is to document our culture. We want to preserve the historical record of the SF/F field in all of its diversity for future researchers.
SFWA member @johncleaver is signing at Borderlands, in San Francisco at 3pm today. #
Our job as writers is to create a narrative that evokes this desired experience in the reader. Yes, we have to be passionate about our story. Yes, it’s an art and is complex and sometimes feels a bit mystical. But we can’t let that make us forget the fact that the ultimate purpose of the story is to guide the reader through an experience.
Once upon a time, a motley crew of knights, hobbits, and assorted elves–all members of the Fellowship of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America–set out to prank a certain publisher of ill repute.
@madcowtweets Do you mean how does one become an Active member, or what are the benefits? # @DavidRozansky @GLHancock That is not flatly not true in SFWA's case. POD is simply a technology and SFWA has no bar against it. # @DavidRozansky @GLHancock SFWA requires a circulation OR print run OR "the equivalent in other […]