Guest Post: The No. 1 Habit of Highly Creative People
Creativity is a nebulous, murky topic that fascinates me endlessly — how does it work? What habits to creative people do that makes them so successful at creativity?
Creativity is a nebulous, murky topic that fascinates me endlessly — how does it work? What habits to creative people do that makes them so successful at creativity?
Every time I bemoan Writer Beware’s overpacked file drawers, and wonder whether I should get rid of files for agents and publishers that have gone out of business (or at least consign them to the basement), I’m reminded of why it’s important to keep that old information handy.
The stories that use insight and decision are usually those where the main obstacle is the character’s internal problem. For example, in stories where love and friendship is on the line and the obstacle is the main character’s values, it may be that the hero has to make a decision to place love above something else.
@diannefox @moirarogersbree SFWA has accepted electronic publication as qualifying for membership for years. # @moirarogersbree Can you point to what you are seeing in our guidelines that leads you to believe that epubs are ineligible? # @moirarogersbree Time/Warner, for example, puts out some books exclusively as epubs & we don't make a distinction. # @moirarogersbree […]
Joel Rosenberg (b.1954) died on the evening of June 2, a day after suffering a respiratory depression that caused a heart attack, anoxic brain damage and major organ failure. Rosenberg’s first published short story was “Like the Gentle Rains” in IASFM in 1982. A year later, he published The Sleeping Dragon, the first novel in his long-running […]
@DebNemeth @AuthorGuy SFWA has accepted epub and POD as qualifying material for years. # SFWA member Leah Cypess's second fantasy novel, NIGHTSPELL, releases today from HarperCollins. And it got a starred review from Kirkus! #
@ghostfinder It includes a sub to The Bulletin. # @ghostfinder I'm not sure. Drop a line to to check. #
Publishers that pay on net profit often pay higher royalty percentages than average, and if the percentage is large enough–50% or more–it may offset the deductions. But be sure you know exactly what those deductions are.
Being paralyzed led me to becoming a writer. While in that incapacitated state, I began spinning stories in order to go to the places I physically could not. It was no surprise that those stories were science fiction and fantasy, and that their main characters tended to be people with amazing abilities and “deformities.”
Just as I need to know my hero’s goal, motives, and plan, I also need to know the same things about my antagonist. In fact, in some stories the antagonist’s plans are what drive the story.