Book Marketing Methods That Don’t Work
It’s no wonder that the Internet is bursting with promotional services, marketing companies, publicity gurus, and book promotion self-help advice from authors who’ve been there, done that.
It’s no wonder that the Internet is bursting with promotional services, marketing companies, publicity gurus, and book promotion self-help advice from authors who’ve been there, done that.
What is happening here is the creation of what we might call “his-story”. If the only books talked about, the only books that find their way into the historical record, are books by men, then anyone looking back over time will get the impression that the only important people involved in the field, perhaps the only people involved in the field, were men.
Readers want their tension to build to a pitch. Then they want to feel a release. The resolution phase is where you deliver that delicious release.
Member News for Robert J. Sawyer, Leah Cypess, and Anna D. Allen.
by T. Jackson King Little Brother had survived as an orphan on the colony planet Mother’s World by following two rules. First you grabbed anything edible before the valuables. Second, you never talked to the garbage. But then the garbage–a Pube girl named Sally–talked to him. Before he knew it, he was running to escape the attention of The Church of […]
@mslaurel1 The reading with @nancykress is open to the public. It's at the Kennedy School at 7pm # RT @lightspeedmag: ATTN Writers: Lightspeed's submission queue is currently EMPTY & we're in need of good material. # SFWA member Mary Robinette Kowal will be reading at Uncle Hugo’s SF Books in Minneapolis on Sunday. […]
Remember: Nancy Kress, Ted Chiang, & Ursula K. Le Guin read at the SFWA NW reading series in Portland. Tues. 7pm #
Creativity is a nebulous, murky topic that fascinates me endlessly — how does it work? What habits to creative people do that makes them so successful at creativity?
Every time I bemoan Writer Beware’s overpacked file drawers, and wonder whether I should get rid of files for agents and publishers that have gone out of business (or at least consign them to the basement), I’m reminded of why it’s important to keep that old information handy.
The stories that use insight and decision are usually those where the main obstacle is the character’s internal problem. For example, in stories where love and friendship is on the line and the obstacle is the main character’s values, it may be that the hero has to make a decision to place love above something else.