Contest Alert: WriteOnCon
I’ve gotten some questions over the past week about a fiction contest currently being conducted by WriteOnCon, a “totally free, interactive online Writer’s Conference held annually during the summer.”
I’ve gotten some questions over the past week about a fiction contest currently being conducted by WriteOnCon, a “totally free, interactive online Writer’s Conference held annually during the summer.”
Member News for Paul S. Kemp, Jennifer Brozek, Eugie Foster, Amanda Downum, and David Levine.
The Speculative Speakers Service at provides information for educators and conference organizers who are looking for guest speakers. Members of SFWA, who’d like to talk about SF at schools, meetings, or conferences, are invited to register.
Renovation, the 2011 World Science Fiction Convention, has announced that Angry Robot, Tor Books and Baen Books are sending donations for a book drive to benefit public libraries in the Reno area.
You can now hear SFWA member @daviddlevine's story "Zauberschrift" on the PodCastle podcast #
Direct contact from a publisher or agent should always be treated with caution, until research can determine whether the company or individual is reputable.
Write a lot. This is almost all I need to say, as nothing else matters without the constant practice of writing a lot. Write blog posts and letters, booklets and diatribes, letters to the editor and book reviews, love poems and short stories, novellas and manifestos. The sheer mass of your writing becomes the raw matter from which to chisel your voice.
SFWA member @jenniferbrozek has been promoted to managing editor of Black Room Publications. #
New anthology End of an Aeon includes stories by SFWA members @stillsostrange @eugiefoster @daviddlevine and more! #
The Speculative Literature Foundation (SLF) has announced that proposals for the Gulliver Travel Research Grant are being accepted from July 1st 2011 until September 30th 2011.