Title of Work: Promise of the Flame Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl URL: http://www.amazon.com/Promise-Flame-Sylvia-Engdahl/dp/0615314880
Title of Work: Promise of the Flame Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl URL: http://www.amazon.com/Promise-Flame-Sylvia-Engdahl/dp/0615314880
Title of Work: The Far Side of Evil Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl URL: http://www.amazon.com/Far-Side-Evil-ebook/dp/B004LX0CU0
Roger MacBride Allen URL: http://www.sff.net/people/Roger.Allen/bookpage/utopia.htm
Title of Work: Enchantress from the Stars Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl URL: http://www.fictionwise.com/ebooks/b2596/?si=0
Title of Work: Journey Between Worlds Author of Work: Sylvia Engdahl URL: http://www.amazon.com/Journey-Between-Worlds-Firebird-ebook/dp/B001QKSWPI
In September DARPA is sponsoring the 100 Year Starship Study – Public Symposium in Orlando. The goal of the symposium is to foster future research that might ultimately enable a starship program, but at the same time have possible offshoots that may be of benefit to the DoD, NASA, commercial and private sector. The symposium […]
From the President@scalzi : A Quick SFWA-Related Thing of Some Importance (to SFWA and SFWAns) http://t.co/HTRRTHa #
Pull out your tool belt, roll up your sleeves, and do a little home improvement. Buy a 4’x8′ panel of white laminate and mount it on your office wall. Presto! You’ve got yourself a massive whiteboard for a fraction of the price.
Anything I can control, I pay close attention to. Contracts. Personal relationships. The words. Stories I want to tell.
In 2007, Ira Glass of This American Life, gave a presentation at the GEL Conference. If you’re looking for insights from a master storyteller, check it out.