Quick Updates for 2011-08-22
SFWA member @eugiefoster's story "The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk" was published in ep. 214 of the Drabblecast Podcast. http://t.co/LQ0v748 #
SFWA member @eugiefoster's story "The Wish of the Demon Achtromagk" was published in ep. 214 of the Drabblecast Podcast. http://t.co/LQ0v748 #
The Hugo Awards, presented annually since 1955, are voted on by members of the World Science Fiction Convention. This year’s awards were presented at “Renovation,” which was held in Reno, Nevada.
I blogged Tuesday about PublishAmerica’s now-infamous J.K. Rowling promotion, which promised, for just $49, to bring PA authors’ books to Rowling’s attention during PA’s upcoming visit to Scotland.
Net Impact, a new spy thriller from SFWAn Donald J. Bingle, now available on Kindle, Nook, Kobo, & trade paperback. http://www.donaldjbingle.com #
PublishAmerica. As many of you are aware, this author mill is known for its efforts to persuade its authors to buy their own books, in part via a rotating series of “special offers.”
The energy for my money is all with publishers like Small Beer, Dalkey Archive Press, Aqueduct Press, Coffeehouse Press, and places like that. Strong, committed independents willing to take a chance on great, hard-to-classify material.
The truth is working on an anthology is like an obsession to me, and the more difficult the execution of the idea or focus, the more I become locked in on it to the exclusion of all else.
SFWA member @ferretthimself's woman-heals-an-insane-father story, "My Father's Wounds," is on Beneath Ceaseless Skies. http://t.co/FD8EQkA # SFWA member @GLValentine's touch-telepath story "Souvenir" is up now @StrangeHorizons tinyurl.com/3dgwqwj #
I never imagined that my love of reading and editing would bring me to this point. I just wanted to share the stories that excite me with as many people as possible.
Analog's 1st Kindle antho., "Into the New Millennium: Trailblazing Tales from Analog 2000-2010" includes SFWA member @daviddlevine's "Pupa." #