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Guest Post: A Writer’s Crash Guide to
Recent Social Media Changes—Facebook

Honestly, it is difficult (although not impossible) to avoid strategies that don’t incorporate Facebook in some way, either through a personal account or through Facebook Pages, at least not for writers who have at least one novel published. Once you have fans, Facebook becomes logical since it has the largest user base, therefore making it much more convenient as a way for people to find you.

Quick Updates for 2011-10-20

SFWA member @alcole123 has 50% OFF http://t.co/twYZKyhb On Audiobooks http://t.co/WpejXjzH Sten, The Timura Trilogy, The Far Kingdoms Series # Congratulations to SFWA member @faerye who sold her 2nd novelette "Long Night on Redrock" to Asimov's. Teaser here: http://t.co/ybkgmWI6 #

Quick Updates for 2011-10-18

@Louise_Cusack @misterkristoff We haven't started sending them yet, but yes. Secret decoder rings are coming. # @misterkristoff @Lissa_Price Not soon! Not soon. Creating new member packets is more complicated than it looks. # @Lissa_Price @misterkristoff Oh, you don't get those until you've been a member for at least 25 years. #