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The Ongoing 2023 Nebula Conference!

Each year since 2020, our Nebula Conferences have launched over the conference weekend, but they continue online all year long with plenty of great professional development and networking opportunities open to SFWA members and nonmembers alike. And what’s better? The ongoing 2023 Nebula Conference registration price has just been reduced to $75! What does that […]

SFWA Market Report – July 2023

Welcome to the July edition of the SFWA Market Report. Please note: Inclusion of any venue in this report does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. Those included on this list pay at least $0.08/word USD in at least one category of fiction. This compilation is not exhaustive of all publication opportunities that pay our […]

Negotiating Your Short Fiction Contracts

By Karawynn Long Note: This post does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and advice is intended for general informational purposes only. You’ve written a piece of short fiction, submitted it, and gotten that thrilling acceptance letter. Congratulations! But wait—you aren’t finished yet. As a rule, the boilerplate […]

Final Hours of the SFWA Auction!

We’re nearly at the finish line! The SFWA Silent Auction closes today at 3:00pm PT. The final hours are always the most full of action as the biggest deals become apparent. So we’re highlighting some of those deals for you, right now! The auction website is here: https://www.biddingforgood.com/wbi/sfwaauction. Grab one of four kaffeeklatsch seats with Nicole Glover! Our virtual […]

New Items in the SFWA Auction!

We’re excited to share that 6 new items have been added to the SFWA auction! That makes this the perfect time to get in early on the bidding action for them: Signed set of Eileen Gunn’s stories and essay collections Full trade paperback set of the lush Rook & Rose epic fantasy trilogy by M.A. […]

In Memoriam: Nick Wood

Nick Wood (1961–June 2023) was an author dedicated to writing science fiction for social change and promoting the visibility of science fiction written by Africans. Born in what is now Zambia, he also lived in the United States and Aotearoa New Zealand before taking residence in England. Wood was raised in and considered South Africa […]

SAFETY DISPATCH: Author Safety for Small Events

by the SFWA Safety Committee Small events can be some of the most rewarding experiences for an author. Signings, readings, classes, and panels offer an opportunity to connect directly with readers. They also offer some unique challenges when planning for safety. (Pack a towel for any reading in a bar, since it seems inevitable that […]

SFWA’s 3rd Silent Auction Is Now Open!

We’re holding our third annual online auction over the next week to support our advocacy for and professional development of creators working in the speculative fiction genres. This silent auction opens June 19 at 12 Noon Pacific Time (PT) and closes June 26 at 12 Noon PT. The auction website is here: https://www.biddingforgood.com/wbi/sfwaauction.  This year, […]

Current Statement on AI/ML Use

The Board of Directors of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) has been monitoring the rapidly evolving technological and legal landscape as it pertains to machine-generated works. We continue to hold conversations inside our organization, as evidenced by our recent call for posts that brought in a wide variety of important perspectives. Additionally, […]