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Introducing Writer Beware’s Small Presses Page

A brand-new page on Small Presses has been added to the Writer Beware website.

Here’s what you’ll find:

An overview of issues to consider if you’re thinking of submitting to a small press. For instance, stability can be a problem–the attrition rate among small presses is very high–as can competence. It’s easy and cheap to set yourself up as a publisher these days, and not everyone who does so has the necessary expertise.

Guest Post: Novelists, Inc., Conference Report

According to Carolyn’s research, aided by Google, there are about 288,355 books published every year by traditional publishers. Current estimates anticipate 800,000 books will be self-published this year. So how do you make your book stand out among literally a million titles?

Policy and Procedure on Harassment in SFWA Venues

Updated 9/21/2018 (A PDF of the following is available for download.) Introduction SFWA® sponsors or hosts discussion boards, communication avenues such as the SFWA Slack Channel, social media presences via Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc., publications, the SFWA website, Writer Beware®, the Nebula Awards® Conference and Ceremony, the SFWA suite and other programs and activities (the […]