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Night Shade Books’ probation has been lifted

Dear SFWA members, As many of you are aware, on July 8, 2010 the SFWA board of directors voted unanimously to place Night Shade Books on probation for a period of one year, following concerns about contractual issues with their authors. As part of the process, SFWA asked Night Shade to meet a series of […]

Quick Updates for 2011-11-30

@geardrops @jaymgates The Nebula rules are here. http://t.co/azW3CE4H # @geardrops @jaymgates Maybe a link on the front page that says "Nebula Awards: How to Vote and Rules?" # @geardrops @jaymgates The link sadly, is already there. Look in the menu under "Nebula Awards." It's the top item. #