The Author’s Guild on Amazon: Publishing’s Ecosystem on the Brink
On Tuesday, the Authors Guild posted the following article on its blog. It’s a must-read for anyone interested in the ways in which the book business is changing, and how we reached the point where a single retailer has the power to dictate terms to publishers, and thus, indirectly, to authors and readers.
Quick Updates for 2012-02-01
Resources and Member News for Stephanie Draven, Elizabeth Bear, Tony Pi, Eugie Foster, D. Walters Grintalis, and J. F. Lewis.
A Small Meditation on Art, Commerce and Impermanence
I’m going to touch on something that I’ve discussed briefly before but which I think is worth reheating into its own post. Here are the best selling books in the US from 1912, which is (for those of you for whom math is not a strong suit) 100 years ago.
Report to SFWA members regarding Dorchester Publishing
Dear SFWA members: As many of you are aware, on December 10, 2010, the board of SFWA voted unanimously to place Dorchester Publishing Co, inc, on probation following an inquiry after we became aware of several instances in which Dorchester acted against the contractual and legal interest of authors, specifically by not paying royalties when […]
Calling All Fangs
If you have been paying even a little bit of attention to my various feeds, you know that BURNED: A VOID CITY NOVEL is out today. And today or at least this week is when I need you to buy it. On previous book releases, I’ve kind of been a bit subtle. I snuck around […]
Guest Post: So You Have a Writer Friend…Don’t Panic
One of the first published novelists I got to know told me that it was really awkward to be friends with a writer whose stuff you don’t like.
Quick Updates for 2012-01-30
SFWA Member @DWGrintalis is thrilled to announce the sale of her debut novel, Ink, to Don D'Auria at Samhain Horror. #
Guest Post: One Author’s First Month in KDP Select
Last December, I blogged about Amazon’s KDP Select program, which allows KDP authors to participate in Amazon’s Kindle Owners’ Lending Library and be paid per borrow from a fund established by Amazon.
Two weeks ago, Amazon issued a press release chart…
Quick Updates for 2012-01-27
SFWA member @eugiefoster sold a short story reprint "Requiem Duet, Concerto for Flute and Voodoo" to podcast Journey Into. # SFWA member @jimchines shows his writing income; required reading for people interested in the economic side of things. http://t.co/aO4h58zH #