In Memoriam: Mark Bourne
Author Mark Bourne, 50, died Saturday February 25, 2012.
His short fiction appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, and numerous anthologies.
Author Mark Bourne, 50, died Saturday February 25, 2012.
His short fiction appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction, Realms of Fantasy, and numerous anthologies.
@HappyTwilighter We don't have individual chapters. Is there something I can help you with? #
While there are certainly advantages to Amazon’s program, anyone who thinks Amazon is in this to help authors is a fool. Amazon, like pretty much any other business, is in this to make money. has pulled thousands of e-books in a pricing dispute with IPG. #
Writer Beware hears from a fair number poets. Much of the time, they’re contacting us to ask about self-publishing, or to check the reputation of a journal or a contest. Sometimes, unfortunately, they’ve gotten mixed up with one of the vanity anthology companies, such as Eber and Wein.
Script Frenzy is an international writing event in which participants take on the challenge of writing 100 pages of scripted material in the month of April.
Science fiction and fantasy authors Sharon Lee and Steve Miller are pleased to share the news that they are recipients of the 2012 Skylark Award.
A lovely view of what it is like to get The Call about one's 1st Nebula nomination from nominee @ferretthimself #
Basically, genre is a very useful guideline for grouping together novels that share certain characteristics, but I think it can also be a trap–what Ursula Le Guin and many others referred to as the ghetto. It tends to create books that are in dialogue with nothing else but genre: and, again, dialogue is a good thing, and a terrific way to create new literature; but it’s not the only one.
Member @jenniferbrozek received a Publisher's Weekly review for THE LADY OF SEEKING IN THE CITY OF WAITING. #