Quick Updates for 2012-04-05
Smaller Than an Atom & Larger Than a Universe: Frontiers of Space Time and Thought. By SFWA member Edward M. Lerner. http://t.co/k0lPVlFQ #
Smaller Than an Atom & Larger Than a Universe: Frontiers of Space Time and Thought. By SFWA member Edward M. Lerner. http://t.co/k0lPVlFQ #
I’ve used up a lot of column space on this blog warning about the risks of submitting to small presses, especially brand new small presses. In my opinion, this is currently the most dangerous area for writers–not so much because there are a lot of scams (though there are quite a few) but because so many small presses are undercapitalized, run by inexperienced people, have deluded goals and aspirations, or all three.
I’ll Know I’ve Made it as a Writer When . . .
. . . I have my first hissy hit about my first copyedit. (Only robots speak without contractions! “Me and LJ” is how my character would say it NOT “LJ and I” because my character is not the FREAKING QUEEN OF FREAKING ENGLAND!)
What’s Smaller Than an Atom … And Larger Than a Universe? This Book. Edward M. Lerner is pleased to announce the release of Frontiers of Space, Time, and Thought: Essays and Stories on The Big Questions This new collection brings together more than a dozen of Lerner’s most engaging short stories. He takes the reader […]
The way to become a published writer is to write (and to submit what you write). Seems obvious, yet so many would-be writers produce that one story or novel and then rework it endlessly, or submit a story or three, get rejected once (or a hundred times), and decide to give up.
Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware
Writer Beware’s Swag Shop for Discerning Scammers
As many of you know, Writer Beware is a 100% volunteer endeavor. We do receive support from our sponsor, the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of Ameri…
SFWA MEMBERS:Today's the LAST DAY to vote for the Nebulas. All ballots must be received by 3-30, 11:59pm PDT. http://t.co/eNVkriPb #
SFWA Active and Lifetime Active members, today is the last day to vote for the Nebula Awards. You may do that online with the Nebula final ballot. Your vote must be received by Friday, March 30th, 2012 at 11:59pm PDT in order to be counted. Please vote, and then help us encourage other members to […]
A little while back, I blogged about yet another of the ways in which PublishAmerica was attempting to extract cash from its authors: a fee-charging “literary agency.”
Sometime over last weekend, the Writer Beware blog passed the 20,000 subscriber mark!
We’d like to offer a heartfelt thank you to all our readers and subscribers for their attention, support, and participation (we love comments! We love questions!) …