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Quick Updates for 2012-04-10

SFWA member @ClanKorval is pleased to announce the sale of 2 sequels to her 2010 Maine fantasy, Carousel Tides, to Toni Weisskopf at Baen. # SFWA member @paolobacigalupi's THE DROWNED CITIES previews the 1st 11 chapters on Kindle http://t.co/SYbizO7q & Nook. http://t.co/Nc4GSVqO #

Guest Blog Post: Why Small Publishers Fail

I’ve used up a lot of column space on this blog warning about the risks of submitting to small presses, especially brand new small presses. In my opinion, this is currently the most dangerous area for writers–not so much because there are a lot of scams (though there are quite a few) but because so many small presses are undercapitalized, run by inexperienced people, have deluded goals and aspirations, or all three.