e-Publishing Revo: It’s a New Electronic Self-Publishing Service, But There’s a Catch
Zooming into my inbox last week: a press release for a brand-new ebook self-publishing service called e-Publishing Revo.
Zooming into my inbox last week: a press release for a brand-new ebook self-publishing service called e-Publishing Revo.
When a character swims across the Arctic Ocean, in a story set a thousand years in the future, what stars might she use to guide her passage westward?
Hear @SFWA authors @JAPittsWriter @erikscottdebie @brendacooper @jenniferbrozek read at the U Bookstore, Seattle – http://t.co/wG381qwR #
For the first time ever, SFWA will be attending the largest publishing event in North America: BookExpo America (BEA).
& Smell the Coffee-Colored Skin, White Authors!
Which came first—the chicken, the egg, or the egg white omelet—I don’t know. But the discussion glosses over an obvious gap: white authors.
The SFWA website is temporarily down due to hosting issues. Our webmaster is working hard to resolve it. Thanks for your patience! #
I often receive questions from writers who are looking to hire an independent editor to polish their manuscripts, either for self-publication or for submission to agents and publishers, and want to know whether a particular editor or editing service is reputable.
When it comes to social networking, Pinterest has emerged as a major player. Cat Rambo provides an excellent overview.
Everyone can improve their abilities at almost anything with determination, practice, and coaching.
SFWA Member Alex Wilson: The Time of Reflection, a 5 page fantasy comic by @alexotica is a finalist for an Eagle Award. http://t.co/2V0LZN7E # GeekWire piece on asteroid miners and SFWA member/SF writer reaction http://t.co/5evHHvQ3 #