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Edward M. Lerner: Energized

In the Gulf of Mexico: the Deepwater Horizon oil-well blow-out. In Japan: nuclear-reactor meltdowns. Across the Middle East: revolution, civil war, and chaos.

It’s enough to make a person wonder: what if something major ever went wrong with the world’s energy supplies? Something like, say, the Crudetastrope?

It Came From Riverside!

The Eaton Collection of Science Fiction & Fantasy is the largest publicly-accessible collection of science fiction, fantasy, horror, and utopian literature in the world. For an inside look, check out the YouTube video.

Quick Updates for 2012-07-17

Portland SFWA reading TONIGHT (7/16), with Daniel H. Wilson, Isaac Marion, and Rhiannon Held http://t.co/NiEJsQKe # SFWA member Edward Willett's two-act SF comedy Circle the Crops will be produced in Weyburn, Sask., next summer for the city's centennial. #

Quick Updates for 2012-07-17

Member News for Allan Cole, Cindy Pon, Nicole Peeler, Beth Cato, Jake Kerr, Ken Liu, Kij Johnson, Sarah Monette, Brit Mandelo, Charles Stross, Jess Haines, Adam Christopher, Matthew Johnson, Sean Markey, Gregory Norman Bossert, Myke Cole, Alex Dally MacFarlane, Josh Roseman, Mike Allen, Charles M. Saplak, Cory Doctorow, Michael R. Underwood, Beth Bernobich, Deb Coates, Sharon Lee, Louise Marley, Isaac Marion, Rhiannon Held, and Edward Willett.

Call for Guest Bloggers

Posted by Victoria Strauss for Writer Beware

Would you like to be a guest blogger for Writer Beware?

To vary our subject matter and present differing points of view, we publish occasional guest blog posts on subjects relating to publishing, self-p…

Quick Updates for 2012-07-15

Next Portland SFWA reading is Monday July 16, with Daniel H. Wilson, Isaac Marion, and Rhiannon Held http://t.co/diKyOMm9 … # Next Seattle-area SFWA reading is Thursday July 19, with Louise Marley, Isaac Marion, and Rhiannon Held http://t.co/diKyOMm9 … #

Quick Updates for 2012-07-13

A transcript of #sffwrtcht interview with SFWA member @debcoates http://t.co/9bSJkO5a # SFWA member Beth Bernobich is hosting a giveaway for her new novel, Queen's Hunt: http://t.co/VpqFeuVf # News from SFWA member Sharon Lee: Releasing all 15 Liaden novels as audio books is only part of it … http://t.co/RlTfN9eD #