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Quick Updates for 2012-08-03

And SFWA member @LAGilman also will be at @BmoreBookFest ! # New stories by SFWA member Jamie Lackey from Kazka Press http://t.co/bsbGrcLa & in Triangulation: Morning After. http://t.co/6woeyAB8 … # Active member Rosemary Jones will be speaking at SpoCon http://t.co/O8ryvAaS #

Guest Post: Writers and Families

My family has a strange attitude toward my writing, which I think is almost always the case unless the writer comes from a family of professional creators. (By professional, I mean people who actually make a portion of their incomes from a creative endeavor — writing, art, dance, etc.) When I met my cousins in Debrecen, they told me they’d heard I’d become a famous writer, of fantasy like J.R.R. Tolkien. Of course, I’m not at all a famous writer, and what I write is nothing like Tolkien.

Confession of a Museum Bunny

by Deborah Walker Ideas for my stories come to me in museums, in galleries, in libraries. Find me upstairs (and it’s always quieter upstairs) in the British Museum trawling the past looking for future inspiration. Old books, paintings, objects are part of our material heritage. Survivors of the ravages of times, sometimes cherished throughout the […]

Guest Blog Post: In Praise of Ripening

The word has gone out that Kindle publishing is a great way to make money fast. Churn out a short novel or how-to text with series potential, follow up quickly with a sequel, price the ebooks at $.99 or $2.99, enroll in Amazon’s KDP Select program and go for as many downloads as possible during your five free days. Then sit back and enjoy huge monetary success.

Guest Post: Panel Deportment and Demeanor

The problem with seeing one’s purpose on a panel as primarily that of speaking–“sharing” insights or regurgitating something recently read that relates to the subject–is that it turns panelists into lecturers. Speaking for myself, I’ve often found that the thinking, reading, and note-taking I’ve done in preparation for a panel may often have nothing to do with what the other panelists are talking about.