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Guest Post: Dreaming Well: Does the Future of Publishing Need More Imagination?

I feel passionately that some of the information we are getting is increasingly wrong and motivated by selfishness and, yes, to some degree, a form of hyperbolic illogic. We are so hung up on predicting the next big thing, on getting in on the next gold rush when it comes to ways for authors to promote themselves and market their work that we often seem to be active participants in our own destruction.

Quick Updates for 2012-08-10

SFWA Member Eugie Foster Sold short story "Trixie and the Pandas of Dread" to Apex Magazine. # SFWA member Matthew Johnson's story "The Last Islander" is out in the September Asimov's http://t.co/j179QudH # Antho "Digital Rapture," with many SFWA members, is out! Write a Singularity haiku and you could win a free lunch! http://t.co/LYNwbkMj… #

Quick Updates for 2012-08-09

SFWA Member Ken Liu’s story, “The Bookmaking Habits of Select Species,” is out in the current issue of Lightspeed. http://t.co/nFe8SwGh… # SFWA member Eugie Foster just sold short stories "The Tiger Fortune Princess" and "The Girl Who Drew Cats" to Cricket magazine. #

World Fantasy Awards Nominations

The 2012 World Fantasy Awards ballot has been released. Final results will be announced at the World Fantasy Convention, to be held on Nov 1-4, in Toronto, Canada, where Lifetime Achievement Awards will be presented to Alan Garner and George R.R. Martin.