Quick Updates for 2012-09-12
Member News for Samantha Henderson and Jennifer Brozek.
Member News for Samantha Henderson and Jennifer Brozek.
Samantha Henderson's short story "Everything You Were Looking For" has been published in Bourbon Penn http://t.co/L08CfHx6 #
The Washington Science Fiction Association has announced the finalists for the 2012 WSFA Small Press Award for Short Fiction:
Actually, I’m on staycation, but I’ll be cutting way back on the Web stuff for the next two weeks. I’ll be back the week of September 24.
Today: another guest blog post of relevance to freelance writers. This one covers content aggregators, and the pitfalls that may be lurking in their Terms of Use.
One of the things that sometimes comes up when talking to new writers is the question, “How do I acquire mentor?” There’s a glazed and desperate look in the eyes of each querier, and sometimes a bit of professional jealousy, because occasionally we see people in positions where we’re not convinced they really should be…
Susan Urbanek Linville sold "Nyabinghi's Sacred Drum," to Triangulation: Morning After Anthology # SFWA member Beth Cato's short story "Cartographer's Ink" is available to read at Daily Science Fiction. http://t.co/8IaPAN4f #
Member News for Keffy R. M. Kehrli, Susan Urbanek Linville, and Beth Cato.
If you’re a freelance writer, you’re probably under constant pressure to get the next paying gig and to keep the money flowing. This can override your caution and leave you vulnerable to scammers. I know, because I’ve been there myself.
Want to talk to Gray Rinehart? Find him at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area from 10-12! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Alethea Kontes & Nancy Holder? Find them at the SFWA table in the Hyatt Fan Table area at 12! #dragoncon # Want to talk to Alethea Kontes? Find her […]