Norton Jury Deadline: April 3rd
Want to be a member of the Norton jury? Interested volunteers (see qualification requirements below) should contact the office of the vice president at by April 3rd.
Want to be a member of the Norton jury? Interested volunteers (see qualification requirements below) should contact the office of the vice president at by April 3rd.
Launch Pad is an education/public outreach effort supplementing Mike Brotherton’s space-based astronomical research. Our primary goal is to teach writers, editors, and those with audiences of all types about modern science, specifically astronomy, and in turn reach their audiences.
Marketing is, and has been, a hot topic for authors these past few years. This two-part article seeks to remove the mysticism from the subject so you can make better decisions about your career.
Kids raised in an alien zoo must travel across space to escape their overlords and save their dad.
Many authors are using Kickstarter and other crowdfunding platforms to connect with fans and fund their work. But how can you tell if Kickstarter’s for you?
When she steals a baby from her neighbor’s arms, Laura di Crescia raises the child to be a doctor like herself. But the headstrong girl has other ideas, and even Laura cannot keep her daughter locked in a tower forever.
Over the past few weeks I’ve gotten a number of questions and alerts about author-unfriendly Terms and Conditions at Autharium, a new epublishing startup. So I thought I’d check into it myself.
Gene Wolfe, Neil Gaiman, Patrick Rothfuss and thirty more of the most imaginative writers, artists and editors from around the world have contributed to Shared Worlds’ “Hand in Hand” a webpage of advice written and photographed on the author’s hand, designed to inspire and motivate new writers.
A Martian mining colony. A sailing ship plying the Void between planets. A mad alchemist unleashing an ancient evil. What more do you want?
I love astronomy and I love to see it used in science fiction, whether it’s in books, movies, or TV. Movies and TV have the biggest audiences and clips are now easy to share with current technology. I want to share some examples I really love, and a few cautionary tales that can serve as teaching moments.