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Ergonomics 101: for Writers

As a physical therapist, I often treat patients who are suffering from neck and back pain or have developed repetitive stress injuries after spending extended times working at a desk. If a few basic ergonomic principles are followed, you can avoid this fate.

SFWA Election Results

SFWA is pleased to announce the results of this year’s Board elections. President: Steven Gould Vice-President: Rachel Swirsky Secretary: Susan Forest Treasurer: Bud Sparhawk South/Central Regional Director: Lee Martindale Overseas Regional Director: Tansy Rayner Roberts Congratulations to our new (and in some cases continuing) Board members! And we would like to extend our thanks to everyone who ran for office. Your […]

In Memoriam: andrew j. offutt

Former SFWA President andrew j. offutt (b.1934) died on April 30.  Offutt began publishing in 1954 when his story “And Gone Tomorrow” was published in If. Although he had previously published novels under the house names J. X. Williams and John Cleve, his first science fiction novel published using his own name was Evil is Live Spelled Backwards in […]