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Call for Agenda Items for 2013 Business Meeting

The SFWA Board is currently reviewing items of importance to members for discussion at our Worldcon Business Meeting at Lonestarcon in August. If you have an item that requires discussion or response from the Board, that is better addressed at this general business meeting than on our Discussion Forums, please forward it to office@sfwa.org.  

SFWA’s Reading Series to Expand

The SFWA Reading Series that takes place several times per year in Seattle and Portland has been an excellent opportunity for SFWA members to reach out to the public. As a result, the SFWA Board has put money in the budget to expand the series to other cities. Watch for future announcements in the fall. […]

Change of Eastern Regional Director of SFWA

Catherynne M. Valente has announced her resignation as the Eastern Regional Director for SFWA. She said, “It was a rewarding and challenging experience to work with a group of dedicated, tireless advocates, but personal circumstances have brought me to the realization that I cannot serve out the remainder of my term effectively. I thank the Board for their service and support, and will continue to be an active member of the organization.”