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An Interview with Julia Sidorova, Author of Age of Ice

This opening line to Julia Sidorova’s debut novel pulls the reader into an immersive and intensive read and compels us to follow the life of Prince Alexander Velitzyn in his quest to find the answer to his immunity to ice. The Age of Ice is a novel rich in historical detail and the scientific problem of Prince Alexander’s physiognomy is presented in a plausible and intriguing manner.

An Interview with Don Sakers

The other aspect of Heinlein’s work that I’ve tried to emulate is his ability to choose and present just a few precise details to convey a different world, be it the future or another planet. The classic example from his own work is the phrase, “The door dilated.”

Commemorative Stamps Petition

A letter from Chris M. Barkley to the science fiction and fantasy community:

Over a week ago, I started two online petition drives at Change.org and We the People, to gather support to establish a series of commemorative stamps honoring America’s finest artists, writers, editors and publishers of sf, fantasy and horror.

An Exit Interview with John Scalzi

This June, John Scalzi stepped down as SFWA President. He took office in 2010—twelve years after beginning his wildly successful blog, Whatever, and five years after he published his first novel.

SFWA member Carrie Cuinn ventured into Scalzi’s lair (aka, the Internet) and conducted the following interview.

Operations Manager for SFWA

The workload on the elected Board and on our part-time office manager, Kathryn Baker, has grown to such an extent that we cannot efficiently and productively deal with the numerous issues involving our members or the industry we support. It was clear that a more dedicated effort was needed.