The Scientist Next Door: Or How to Approach Experts with Research Questions
by William Ledbetter
The email was short and straightforward. I identified myself as a science fiction writer who was curious about one aspect of their paper.
by William Ledbetter
The email was short and straightforward. I identified myself as a science fiction writer who was curious about one aspect of their paper.
We are very sad to learn of Bari Greenberg’s death on August 17th, 2014. Besides being a very well regarded St. Louis fan and filker, he was the spouse of long-time SFWA Bulletin advertising director and frequent host of SFWA hospitality suites, Sandra “Cat” Greenberg. Our thoughts go out to Cat and their friends and […]
Entries for the Central Oregon Writers’ Guild’s 7th annual writing contest are closing on September 1st!
The Red Volume is a collection of stories largely written and revised during the Clarion Foundation’s fundraising write-a-thon, which runs concurrently with the workshop. The anthology will be available this September on a pay-what-you-can basis. Readers can snag a copy for free, or donate any amount from 99 cents up. All proceeds benefit the Clarion Foundation.
Interfictions: A Journal of Interstitial Arts is an extension of the anthology series. It’s a bi-annual, online publication featuring interstitial fiction, poetry, nonfiction, and art.
Backstory is tricky to interweave into your story effectively. Sometimes, it is introduced too soon, or all at once in one large info-dump. At other times, its power is undercut by giving it away for free before the reader has been primed to hunger for it, or by failing to take advantage of the motivating power of shameful secrets.
The Museum of Science Fiction, the world’s first comprehensive science fiction museum, and the District of Columbia Public Library, today announced a partnership to enhance science fiction literacy and project-based learning within the community.
As fans clamor for the latest cinematic thrills, we decided to focus our next Diversity Gap study on the level of racial and gender representation in these ever-popular genres that consistently rake in the big bucks for movie studios.
Two weeks ago, a group of writers descended upon the University of Wyoming in Laramie, Wyoming for the Launch Pad Astronomy Workshop.
The 2014 World Fantasy Awards Ballot has been announced.
Life Achievement Winners
Ellen Datlow
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro